Concert: 23rd November 2024: Mozart



Solemn Vespers For A Confessor

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Time & Date: 7.30pm  Saturday 23rd November 2024

Venue: Medina Theatre, Fairlee Road, Newport PO30 2EW

Composer Profile: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Programme Notes: Requiem

Programme Notes: Solemn Vespers For A Confessor

Concert Poster: Autumn 2024 Concert Poster

Our Autumn 2024 Concert is celebration of the genius of W. A. Mozart.

Mozart’s powerful ‘Requiem’ is among the greatest and most popular of all classical choral works.  It was composed during the final year of Mozart’s life, left unfinished at the time of his death, and made infamous by the mysterious and intriguing rumours surrounding its origins.

Throughout this emotionally-charged and magnificent masterpiece, Mozart explores the darkness of grief, vengeance, loss and sorrow, the comfort of courage, consolation and deep compassion, and the power of redemption and deliverance – through music that exudes unforgettable and profound beauty and existential drama.

In complimentary contrast, is Mozart’s ‘Vespers For A Solemn Confessor’.  Comprised of six movements, this stunning and eloquent work evolves from bold exuberance, through the tranquility and serenity of profound reverence, and concludes with a fanfare of glorious, exultant rejoicing.

A truly wonderful programme not to be missed.

Concert: 13th April 2024: L’Estrange & Todd

 Spring Concert 2024

Time & Date: 7.30pm  Saturday 13th April 2024

Venue: Medina Theatre, Fairlee Road, Newport PO30 2EW

Zimbe!    Alexander L’Estrange

Songs Of Peace    Will Todd

Concert Poster

Composer Profile: Alexander L’Estrange  

Programme Notes: Zimbe!

Composer Profile: Will Todd

Programme Notes: Songs of Peace

Tickets: £15  (Under 18’s £5)  plus venue booking fee

Our Spring 2024 Concert

is an uplifting, joyful and beautiful programme

of two full works, from highly-acclaimed British composers. 

‘Zimbe!’ by Alexander L’Estrange, is a vibrant fusion of African song and jazz

– which took the world by storm when it was first released. 

Its vibrant beats and beautiful melodies and rhythms,

reflect the spirited, energetic and simple way that is typical of the African song tradition; 

particularly the various ways 

in which music plays a part in everyday life in that vast continent: 

‘music imitates life and life inspires music’.

The excitement, verve and energy of Zimbe! are all distinctly African;

touching the emotions and providing a perfect buzz of happiness

at any time of year.

In complimentary contrast is Will Todd’s ‘Songs of Peace’

written in memory of love and loss.

It is a ‘life affirming’ piece,

characterised by memorable melodies and powerful personal texts.

A truly wonderful programme not to be missed.

Sad Announcement: Death of Richard Hunt: Recent Tenor Member

We are very sad indeed, to announce that Richard Hunt died; this Wednesday 17th January. 

Richard stepped down from his role as the choir’s Tenor Section Leader at the beginning of December, as he had sadly just been diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. 

He endeavoured to remain as a member, to return to singing, as and when he felt able. 

However, at the start of this year, he found that his diagnosis was terminal and untreatable. 

And so he, and his wife; Soprano member, Georgina, relinquished their choir memberships, to focus on his health and quality of life. 

Unfortunately and tragically, Richard died whilst undergoing surgery related to his condition. 

Richard was an experienced singer; previously a member of Guildford Choral – and over the years, had various roles within choir committee, including as a music librarian. 

With a long-standing love of music, and community choir endeavours, even when moved to the Island, Richard continued to maintain a connection with Guildford Choral as a long-term Patron. 

Richard, and Georgina, joined Cantata in September 2021. 

And at our AGM in January 2022, Richard took on the responsibility of Tenor Section Leader, becoming a valued member of the choir committee, contributing his wealth of experience.  

Richard often remarked how much he enjoyed his time singing with us; both at rehearsal and performing in concerts, especially when we were accompanied by full orchestra and professional soloists, but also when the choir took part in extra curricular events. 

Also a keen bell-ringer, of many years, Richard was a member of the ringers at All Saints’ Church, Ryde. 

In his spare time, Richard and Georgina had a great love of yacht cruising; spending last Summer enjoying their trip around the North Spanish coast. 

Our thoughts and warmest wishes are with his wife, friends and family, at this sad time.

Concert: 10th December 2023: A Celebration of Christmas

Time & Date: 2.30pm  Sunday 10th December 2023

Venue: Ryde Methodist Church, Garfield Road, Ryde PO33 2PT

A Celebration of Christmas

On Christmas Night: Chilcott


A Selection of Traditional Carols

Composer Profile & Programme Notes: Bob Chilcott – On Christmas Night

Composer/Arranger Profile & Programme Notes: David Willcocks – Carols For Choirs 1     


Guest Soprano Trio: Alice Owen, Cully Trevallian, Maddie Tweddle

Programme Notes: Spanish Carol: A La Ruru Niño

Tickets: £10

Our Christmas 2023 Concert 

is a lovely programme of both contemporary and traditional classics. 

There are many concerts taking place on the Island over this festive season 

But we do hope that you will come to ours, in amongst the others, 

as our Christmas Concerts are held every other year. 

We have been so enjoying our rehearsals of this beautiful music  

and are really looking forward to performing this special programme:

– Bob Chilcott’s ‘On Christmas Night’ is a musical celebration  

of the Christmas Story presented as a sequence of 8 carols of his own setting, 

with an array of styles; from comforting & reflective, to jubilant, swinging & folksy. 

Interspersed with his suggested additional Readings. 

– Interval with refreshments. 

– A varied selection of traditional carols, with optional audience participation for 3 popular favourites. 

We look forward to seeing you there.

Sad Announcement: Death of June Mitchell Past Alto Member

We are very sad to announce that past 2nd Alto member June Mitchell died peacefully, aged 89 years, at the Hospice, on 1st November.

June was a keen singer, and a dedicated and enthusiastic member of Cantata for many years; onwards throughout the 90’s and 00’s.

She took on the role of Chairman from 2002 until 2006; supporting the choir through performances of Bach’s Mass in B Minor, Mozart’s Mass in C Minor, Rutter’s Requiem, Dvorak’s Stabat Mater, Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis, Bizet’s Carmen, Brahms’ Requiem, and also Verdi’s Requiem for the Choir’s 50th Anniversary Commemoration Concert.

June sadly left the choir in 2012.

However, she was also an ardent bell-ringer for most of her life, and carried on with her passion for ringing, which continued to give her great pleasure. 

She was also the Brading Tower Secretary.

June’s Memorial Service will take place at 12noon, on Monday 20th November, at St Mary’s Church, Brading. 

Family request that only bright colours are worn. 

Any donations to be made to the Brading Bell Fund.

(Flowers are from family only)

There will be a reception afterwards, at the church hall.

June was a loving sister, mother of 2, grandmother of 5, and great-grandmother of 6.

Our thoughts and best wishes are with all her family and friends.