Join Us


We strive to be a welcoming, friendly, inclusive, enthusiastic and encouraging choir.

All singers are welcome – whatever your age, gender, ability, experience or confidence level.

There is no requirement for an audition. However, experience of sight-singing is beneficial.

If you would like to try out a rehearsal, become a member, or have any questions – please email the Membership Secretary


Rehearsals are on Monday evenings, 7.30pm – 9.15pm, from the beginning of September until the end of June, excluding ‘half-term’ holidays.

Please refer to the Rehearsal Schedule on the next page, for specific dates.

Rehearsal Venue

Main Assembly Hall, The Island VI Form College, Orchard Street Entrance, Newport, Isle of Wight PO30 1JZ.

The Island VI Form College is next to Church Litten Park, behind the Lord Louis Library (see red pin marker in bottom left hand corner of map).

There is free on-site parking, accessible via the Orchard Street Entrance (see photo below).

Alternatively, there are various other car parks and on-street parking in the immediate vicinity.

Membership Subscription

Annual Choir Membership Subscription for the 2024/25 Season is £80.

Payment is due at the start of Autumn Term – to be made in full, or in two £40 instalments: September and January.

It is preferred that payment is made by Bank Transfer:

Account Name: Isle of Wight Cantata Choir.  Account No: 21332460.  Sort Code: 54-10-34

Card, Cash, or Cheque (payable to: Isle of Wight Cantata Choir) are also accepted.

Music Provision

We aim to provide all members and ‘new starters’ with music.

Music is available to either Buy or Hire/Loan, with prior notification.

Music Handout is within the 15 minutes prior to the start of rehearsal.

Membership Information

All ‘new starters’ are provided with a Membership Pack, which includes the following documents:

Welcome Letter

Membership Application Form       Data Consent Form

Gift Aid Declaration Form

General Code of Conduct       Concert Code of Conduct

Safeguarding Policy        Equal Opportunities Policy

(A copy of the choir’s Constitution is available upon request, to the Membership Secretary.)

The Benefits of Singing

Information Document: The Health Benefits of Singing

Member Testimonials

“I had no idea what to expect when I first joined Cantata in rehearsal, having only started singing a year or so before. The effect of immersion in all-enveloping, multi-part harmony, was initially overwhelming and deeply moving. Now, some 6-7 years later, I still experience the same feeling, when things begin to fall into place, as the choir gets to grips with a work.”

“I have sung works that are old and new, familiar and unknown – and each time, the learning process increases my understanding and allows me to grow to love music that I would probably have avoided, as well as that which I was keen to sing. And that’s just in rehearsals! In performance, with orchestra and pro-soloists, the challenge is substantial – but the rewards are out of all proportion.”

“When I joined the choir, I had not sung seriously for many years, so I was very nervous and unsure if I could reach the standard needed. The welcome was great and other members gave support and encouragement. Singing in a large choir enabled me to gain confidence in my abilities and there is something very special in performing in a big choir with professional soloists.”