May 2021 Update: Choir Rehearsals Still Suspended As Government Restrictions Extended
We appreciate that the majority of our 100 members are very keen to re-start singing as soon as possible, even throughout our usual Summer break. However, on 18th May 2021, the DCMS issued updated guidance for non-professional singing groups, that limit gatherings indoors to only 1 group of 6 people.
A review and update of the Government Roadmap for lifting lockdown is due to be announced on the 12th July; with the expectation to move to Step 4 and the lifting of most Covid guidance and legal restrictions on 19th July.
Choir rehearsals will restart as soon as government guidance allows, and all necessary safety measures are able to be established.
There are numerous practical details that must be reviewed, assessed and adhered to, to enable our choir to safely return to our rehearsal venue, for some form of collective singing.
It is expected that (at least to begin with and for the first few months), our rehearsals will be carried out in a different format to how they were previously, or to how you may expect.
Thank you for your understanding, continued enthusiasm for choral singing and commitment to Isle of Wight Cantata Choir.